Просмотр полной версии : Hello. To me have removed polyps from a cavity of the uterus, have diagnosed endom...

11.05.2004, 14:50
To me have removed polyps from a cavity of the uterus, have diagnosed an endometriosis shejki uteruses and an adenomyosis. I have handed over the analysis of a blood on KF, result 0, 47. To me 35 years, beremennostej were not before. Whether there are at me chances to become pregnant? If is not present, in what clinic is better to address in occasion of EKO?

Pasenjuk A.M.
11.05.2004, 22:41
I believe. That it is necessary to be surveyed on polnroj to the program, to spend treatment by Progestinums if without effect during year - to address or in the Center of planning of family (there do not throw on " an arbitrariness of destiny ", and conduct pregnancy), or in 84 kb)