Просмотр полной версии : Hello the doctor. Up to pregnancy I had problems with menstrual ts...

10.05.2004, 04:30
Hello the doctor. Up to pregnancy I had problems with a menstrual cycle, there were delays for 1 1, 5 months, more often in the spring. After sorts or labors monthly there were 2 times, practically without a delay, and now again a delay on 3 ned. Has made some tests all tests are negative, vydeleny is not present, state of health like in norm or rate, not including usatlosti. The child fed up to 7, 5 months now daughters 10 months
I was going to during these or it monthly to put a spiral, and now at all I do not know what to do or make. If it to consider or count, for example, as dysfunction of ovaries, whether that it is possible for me to put now a spiral or it is necessary snachalo to be treated? Whether it is possible to pierce, for example, Progesteronum or to drink Pastinor and to go to put a spiral??? I do not know, as to do or make?

Malanova T.B.
11.05.2004, 21:00
Before statement of Naval Forces it is necessary to hand over all the same smears, to do or make a colposcopy, US, here with doktorm and discuss an opportunity of reception of hormones.