Просмотр полной версии : I would like to learn or find out how much badly if at just found out at devushk...

09.05.2004, 20:24
I would like to learn or find out how much badly if at the disease just found out in the girl erosion shejki uteruses (if nothing has confused from trjasuchki) the analysis on a cancer tumour (she suspects that the given disease at it or her nearby 1, 5 2, 5 years) from its or her words hurted or was ill;was sick earlier but all wrote off or copied on a stomach (this conclusion the ambulance surgeon has made) but last 0.5 1 year nothing hurted or was ill;was sick though recently primne has taken and how much or as far as this disease (is hardly tolerably treated), whether it is possible to be engaged thus in sex not having damaged or injured;hurt her and whether there are any general or common references in the given situation (her of 17 years).
I understand that it is necessary to wait results of analyses but vsyozhe it would be desirable to know provisional variants. In frustration she has suggested to leave but I have tried to calm it or her like it has turned out though most now very hardly could allocate or remove from us so much problems and here is powerless.

Savchenko A.A.
10.05.2004, 17:53
Striatal flies, it is impossible to spend so much hours behind a computer, without a dream.

11.05.2004, 17:54
oooooooooo it you in vain that that and to have a sleep this or thus sacred
To whom there is no sometimes when nabredyosh on what that interesting