Просмотр полной версии : Hello, the Doctor! It would be desirable to learn or find out your opinion here on what question....

Olga of 26 years
10.05.2004, 08:52
Hello, the Doctor! It would be desirable to learn or find out your opinion here on what question. Several months ago I have made EKO, unfortunately attempt is not has gone right. On stimulation has ripened 14 follicles, from them 12 ootids, but only 6 were impregnated. The doctor, whether it is possible to regard my ootids as "bad quality", considering that fact that could be impregnated only half. Infections are not present, IKSI did not do or make, t. To the analysis spermogrammy good. Whether the roentgen of organs of a small basin the made 4 times 2 years ago not for the gynecologic reasons could affect or influence, but nevertheless the irradiation was. Thanks for the answer!

Rabaev S.G.
11.05.2004, 17:37
To draw conclusions on quality of your cells it is necessary to talk with embriologom that clinic where you did or made EKO.