Просмотр полной версии : I accept mersilon 1 j month, the beginnings with 5 go day monthly, in current 10 day...

11.05.2004, 13:58
I accept mersilon 1 j month, the beginnings with 5 go day monthly, in current of 10 days of reception of tablets were weak korichn. Allocation, on 11 12 j day of allocation have amplified, and on 13 j day have begun already real monthly and pulls a bottom of a stomach or belly. What it is necessary to do or make in this case? To summaries to tablets it is written, that allocation it is normal, but not in the same quantity or amount. Prompt how to be please?

Soboleva L.I.
11.05.2004, 16:51
Try to accept on 2 tablets in day while allocation do not become poor or scanty or will not disappear. Then again pass to reception of one tablet. Is better to address in the near future to the doctor - in your situation there is no sense to wait some months, it is better to replace already in the following a contraceptive.