Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor, prompt, please. At me and at my young the person...

10.05.2004, 11:56
The dear doctor, prompt, please. At me and at my young man have found a ureaplasmosis. Antibiotics appointed or nominated by results of poeva the analysis taken from me to sensitivity to antibiotics, have appointed or nominated Nistatinum, klaritromitsin, tsikloferon, Trichopolum, reoferon. To the Young man, have appointed or nominated too proceeding from my results (whether it is possible so?). The analysis repeated have told or said to do or make to me in a month, and to him in a week. Whether it is correct, whether there is there no incubation interval or delitescence???
Tell or Say, and can be so, what lechilis-were treated and have not recovered? Also what to do or make, if it so??? In advance thanks.

Malanova T.B.
11.05.2004, 13:06
Treatment is appointed or nominated correctly and adequately. Only to the partner I would appoint or nominate the control also in a month. If do not recover, will receive other treatment.