Просмотр полной версии : Hello Dear Alla Mihajlovna! There was a following situation. To me...

10.05.2004, 14:12
Hello Dear Alla Mihajlovna!
There was a following situation. To me deleted kondillomy trihloruksusnoj an acid after I have passed or have taken place course of treatment of a clamidiosis (the second for a year). The combustion in a vagina longly did not heal, krovil. Later 2 weeks after excision saw a doctor, she has told or said, that on a back wall of a vagina yet have not begun to live treshchinki and they krovjat, has advised to continue greasing levomekolju. 30 go December (has passed or has taken place 3 weeks after excision and week from last visiting the doctor) has opened suddenly strong bleeding (while has arrived fast while carried while the reception I for these or it 2 hours has been borrowed or occupied has lost a lot of blood, till now delicacy I feel), me on fast have brought in 7 uju hospital on highway Kashirskom. In hospital have spent operation under the general or common narcosis on ushivaniju a back wall of a vagina and have told or said, that has strongly been damaged or injured, probably a combustion, a large vulval or vaginal vessel. I passed or took place treatment of a clamidiosis and excision of condylomas in unit of diagnostics "Finist" at NIIEM it or him. Gamalei. And at excision of condylomas they do not give out any paper, and I on an oversight have not demanded. How you consider or count it was how much possible to foresee probably to the doctor at last survey the given situation? Whether speaks something to you the given situation about qualification of the given experts? And more a question: when to hand over the repeated analysis on a clamidiosis in a month or through two a full adhesion (treatment has finished on December, 25th, and operation was 30 go)?

Oshchepkova S.R.
11.05.2004, 09:05
1. The analysis it is possible peresdat and in 1 month, but the more passes or takes place time after treatment, the more authentically result. 2. Not always it is possible to foresee, but to think of a thinning mucous after operation and, accordingly, about the possible or probable reason of a bleeding it would be possible.