Просмотр полной версии : At a daughter (her of 20 years) a problem: after a long bleeding has gone to ginek...

10.05.2004, 18:26
At a daughter (her of 20 years) a problem: after a long bleeding has gone to the gynecologist, that has sent it or her to the endocrinologist (weight a little above norm or rate plus monthly have begun in 16 years - the truth, at papinoj sisters there was the same). The endocrinologist at once has written out djufaston with 16 for 25 day of a cycle, plainly to a daughter not having explained, neither for what nor for what it or she should be treated. But, has asked: " did not become pregnant? Strange, should "
The child now in a panic, and me is a little not on itself
And - as the consequence or investigation, a following question: heard, that fljukostat is our analogue djufastona. Whether It is possible to replace one medicine with another (the price raznitsja almost twice)?

Malanova T.B.
11.05.2004, 06:43
Djufaston - the preparation hormonal, is not analogue fljukostata (an antimicotic preparation). Djufaston adjusts or regulates a menstrual cycle. If she budkt to accept a preparation in data to her a regimen it is necessary to be protected from pregnancy by a condom.