Просмотр полной версии : Respond please to a question. I already set it or him on September, 4th and on August, 31st...

10.05.2004, 05:48
Respond please to a question. I already set it or him on September, 4th and on August, 31st, but the answer and have not received: what is the ectopia sh/m with endermizatsiej with sites of a dysplasia of an epithelium of 1 2 stages. And how it treat?

Malanova T.B.
10.05.2004, 20:22
More often it is result of inflammatory changes on shejke uteruses. But sites of a dysplasia nastorazhivuajut. The control colposcopy and a capture of smears on onkotsitologiju is necessary for you.

11.05.2004, 06:14
Thanks for the answer. This diagnosis to me have put after a colposcopy and result of a smear on a biopsy. And what such a smear on onkotsitologiju?