Просмотр полной версии : Hello, the doctor. In me have found out a hysteromyoma and have appointed or nominated to accept at...

10.05.2004, 01:31
Hello, the doctor. In me have found out a hysteromyoma and have appointed or nominated to accept utrozhestan with 5 for 25 day of a cycle. In current of 3 cycles, and then to try to become pregnant (me of 30 years and there is one child) t. To. Whether then it is not known I can. But I accepted utrozhestan 2 cycles and then monthly do not send or have come, though tests show negative result. The truth gde-that for 15 day of last cycle 3 hardly smeared (it was from May, 6 till May, 8th). Here about 10 days as though a delay and I do not accept preperat t. To. I do not know now as. My local gynecologist speaks to wait till June, 6th and if and then will not come monthly to her to come. Advise that to me to do or make! Please.

Malanova T.B.
11.05.2004, 05:27
In 30 years the similar scheme or plan reception utrozhestana can give and a delay. Considering, that at you a delay more than 7 days, it is possible to do or make US for revealing pregnancy.