Просмотр полной версии : Hello! Prompt, please, in what there can be a reason rather nepri...

10.05.2004, 16:33
Hello! Prompt, please, in what there can be a reason of rather unpleasant moments, namely - during last month on small sexual labiums have appeared as though ranki (sometimes - an itch) or reddenings, which cause a burning sensation at acceptance of douche (soap, gel) and at an emiction. On daily linings sometimes there are small traces of a blood.

Has more recently passed or Has more recently taken place full inspection at the gynecologist, has handed over all smears, plus the analysis on an infection. Smears - in norm or rate, from infoektsy have found one - ureplazma. The doctor has offered - antibiotics and immunomoduljator, but, considering disease GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT, it was recommended to pass or take place a course treatment at a homeopathist - that I and I do or make.

On my question whence such unpleasant phenomenon - has received the answer, that this can be reaction to linings (deodorized, or on any certain kind). Such it is real? And how more quickly to get rid of all it or this? Thanks!

Malanova T.B.
11.05.2004, 05:06
There can be a reaction and to linings. But under the description it is very similar on gerpeticheskie rashes.