Просмотр полной версии : Girls, hello. At me 27 weeks and constant constipations. Yogurt and dried apricots...

02.05.2004, 23:53
Girls, hello. At me 27 weeks and constant constipations. Yogurt and dried apricots help or assist weakly. Therefore, the therapist has appointed or nominated to me a leaf or sheet of Senna to drink for the night. Whether it is dangerous - he in fact purgative?

03.05.2004, 02:44
Leaves of Senna are not recommended at pregnancy. At pregnancy a chair in an ideal is better to adjust or regulate a diet rich with vegetables and fruit, to drink more liquids: to make boiled water for the night 3 4 chernosliviny and in the morning on an empty stomach to eat berries and to drink nastoj, in the morning also on an empty stomach a table. The spoon of an olive oil or salan from a beet filled olivk. Butter or oil, or simply glass of cool water for 30 40. Till a breakfast. If the diet does not help or assist, it is possible to accept bran (to me helped or assisted perfectly), mukofalk or a lactulose (Djufalak). Success.

06.05.2004, 03:30
Katya! At me the same problem, but I prochla, that the preparations containing a leaf or sheet of Senna to accept am impossible, and here gutalakas is not counter-indicative. I already have accepted during the lunchtime 20 drops, I hope, that all will help or assist. Because forces already are not present 28 weeks constant problems, I think, I shall earn gemoroj. So I advise, to esteem in intnrnete the information in occasion of gutalaksa, and to operate or work! With the best regards.

07.05.2004, 01:49
I am am helped or assisted too by bran with all kinds - now a lot of different hlebtsev with them. And butter or oil on an empty stomach and vobshche is more than it or him, salatov-grasses different with it or him. Consult to the doctor - there is such preparation Magne-B6, it is a magnesium and vitamin 6, to me it or him periodically appointed or nominated if the tonus kept, and vobshche he both calms or abirritates well, and promotes normalization of a chair. And the expert to whom I trust, spoke that it is possible to drink though up to the extremity or end of pregnancy. From 2 up to 4 once a day on a tablet, depending on Your status.

08.05.2004, 22:19
Girls, thanks! Here and I go all pregnancy - all that the doctor appoints or nominates, then it appears unacceptable at pregnancy.:-)
Thanks God, though the Internet is. And I accept magnesium 6. Thanks all once again.

09.05.2004, 06:22
To me helped or assisted "Djufalak" It or Him it is possible without harm to and to the child. To it or him;them as to hay there is no accustoming!

11.05.2004, 04:00
Bran do not help or assist me, and is simple estih I can not, oppositely, djufalak in pure or clean vide-too is not tasty or delicious, a syrup, disgustingly. I pour a table into it or him. The spoon of plam juice (too from a constipation) and warm vodichki up to 100. It is tasty or delicious and perfectly helps or assists. ACCUSTOMINGS are not present, and to gutalaksu is, and he too causes intensifying a peristalsis, as well as Senna. - fair, this all is harmful, I when drank Senna, felt, how fingernails or nails are crumbled, sekutsja hair, there among by-effects are loss of a potassium and iron. And to us they vital