Просмотр полной версии : The conclusion of US: the Hypoplasia of a uterus. Changes of ovaries as a multifollicle...

10.05.2004, 18:29
The conclusion of US: the Hypoplasia of a uterus. Changes of ovaries as multifollicular. How much or As far as it is dangerous? Whether there Is an opportunity to become pregnant with such conclusion?

Soboleva L.I.
10.05.2004, 23:29
Hello, Tatyana! The hypoplasia of a uterus means, that its or her sizes there is less than norm or rate. If the ovulation is become pregnant you can. So it is necessary to learn or find out, ovuljatorny at you cycles or not. If is not present probably to spend a hormonetherapy within several months. At the come or stepped pregnancy it will be necessary to spend prophylaxis ugrozhazy abortions.

11.05.2004, 01:47
Hello! Thanks you big for the answer. And how to learn or find out ovuljatorny cycles or not. By means of measurement of basal temperature? When there comes an ovulation, how much the temperature approximately makes?