Просмотр полной версии : The doctor, prompt what to do or make please. I already asked you, and so with...

08.05.2004, 12:08
The doctor, prompt what to do or make please. I already asked you, and so today I have received result of the analysis, and really it turns out, that APF at me in norm or rate, and here HCHG in 2 times above, than it is necessary, than norm or rate... In that place where I handed over the analysis doctors will be only on Thursday, and I very much worry... US has shown, that no pathologies are present, I did or made it or him in the beginning of May on term of 20 weeks... Really it is necessary to interrupt pregnancy?...

Talanova E.J.
10.05.2004, 02:10
Dear Ekaterina! First of all, calm down! HGCH can exceed norm or rate not only iz-for the genetic reasons! Hardly it will be a question of an abortion - it will be necessary to consider or examine;survey all data, including US (it at you is made recently) and data on current of pregnancy. Till Thursday SIMPLY CALM down.

10.05.2004, 06:37
Forgive or Excuse, what I interfere, at me the same situation, have given a direction on amniotsentez, but I have not specified at the doctor on what term this analysis is done or made? And more what reasons such privyshenija except for genetic can be?

Talanova E.J.
10.05.2004, 23:12
Dear Anna! 1. "same" situations, vse-taki, do not happen, the truth how there are no also two identical people? 2. Amniotsentez it is spent since 15 17 ak. Weeks. 3. The most various: hormonal, an infection, a fetoplacental failure, multifetal pregnancy...