Просмотр полной версии : shto takoe "bacterial vaginosis"?...

09.05.2004, 16:19
shto takoe "bacterial vaginosis"?

10.05.2004, 19:01
By the standard estimations, about 20 % of women at genesial age inevitably fall or are ill with this illness or disease, and, moreover, pr to an extreme measure of 50 % of all cases of vaginites are connected with bacterium Gardnerella known also as Hemophilus vaginalis. Before bacterium Gardnerella has been recognized by the main reason of illness or disease, this infection was called as a nonspecific vaginitis (HCB), and till now some doctors continue it or her so to call. All scientists converge in opinion, that the bacterial vaginosis in any case is connected with sex activity and is the disease passed sexual by. This infection can be received after the sexual relations with infected by the man which transfers or carries bacteria through the piece of a urethra located in the field of a penis. The incubation interval or delitescence (time from infection before occurrence of signs) a bacterial vaginosis proceeds 5 10 days. Infected you the man, probably, has no signs or they moderated or moderate: Burning sensation at an emiction and frequent desires to an emiction. Women sick of a bacterial vaginosis have a high probability of simultaneous infection with others transferable or tolerable sexual by diseases, therefore if this infection is diagnosed for you, it is reasonable to be checked up also on a gonorrhea, a clamidiosis and a mycoplasmosis. What it is necessary to track or look after, suspecting at itself a bacterial vaginosis: allocation serovato-white color, frequently plentiful enough; a unpleasant fish smell vydeleny which can amplify after the sexual certificate or act. The probability of occurrence of an itch is small, but at some women he nevertheless is marked or celebrated. Are sometimes observed an easy or a light;a mild burning sensation at an emiction, morbidity at the sexual certificate or act, spastic strictures in a stomach or belly, a swelling of glands of inguinal area.