Просмотр полной версии : Good afternoon! The last month for 23 day of a cycle (at a cycle of 28 29 days) sde...

09.05.2004, 15:43
Good afternoon!
The last month for 23 day of a cycle (at a cycle of 28 29 days) have made uzi, have found out a cyst of a yellow body (have put under questions). The doctor has told or said, that observation is necessary and in a following cycle to repeat Uzi. But during what period of a cycle it is desirable to make Uzi has not told or said. Tell or say please, during what period it is better to make Uzi.

Thankful in advance for the answer, Elena

Malanova T.B.
10.05.2004, 10:36
The US should be made for 6 7 day of the next cycle.