Просмотр полной версии : Excuse me I shall seem to you not gramatnoj, but I do not know that such EKO. Otve...

07.05.2004, 23:50
Excuse me I shall seem to you not gramatnoj, but I do not know that such EKO. Respond me please.

Kamenetskij B.A.
10.05.2004, 06:50
VRT are methods of therapy of sterility or barrenness at which separate or all stages of conception and a forwardness of embryoses are carried out outside of an organism. VRT include: an extracorporal fertilization (EKO) and carry of embryoses to a cavity of the uterus, an injection of a spermatozoon to a cytoplasma of an oocyte, a donorship of a semen, a donorship of oocytes, a substitute maternity, preimplantatsionnuju diagnostics of hereditary diseases, an artificial insemination a semen of the husband of the donor). The extracorporal fertilization (EKO) is used in a world or global practice in therapy of sterility or barrenness since 1978.