Просмотр полной версии : Please help or assist me. Married, 29 years, are not present children and is not planned. Yesterday n...

Concealling or Thawing
08.05.2004, 15:07
Please help or assist me. Married, 29 years, are not present children and is not planned. The menses yesterday has begun. Unexpectedly. Last was from July, 8 till July, 16th. At me very astable cycle. Can pass or miss month in the spring. A present menses very unusual. I am simply filled in with a blood of scarlet color, with clots. For a day it was necessary to use 10 linings Libresse Good night 6 mm. It is very concerned. While I drink Vicasolum and tincture of water pepper as hemostatic.
The same situation was at the sister in the past to year. IT or her vrach-the gynecologist the divisional has diagnosed " an incomplete abortion ", has told or said " urgently go on a currettage ". The sister was indignant. Has gone to the good center. There have taken the order of 20 dollars, have carried out urgent research and have appointed or nominated a cycle of therapy. To her have registered Marvelon under the scheme or plan. Adhered to the scheme or plan. Bleedings have stopped, but for 4 months of reception of a medicine the sister has typed or collected terrible weight. It at keeping diets, feasible physical movement.
I do not wish to get fat. But also to die of a hemorrhage it would not be desirable. Kto-Somebody can prompt me what is it with me as it to cure and how to stop a bleeding? Thanks.

10.05.2004, 05:03
proverte garmonalnyj a background at the endocrinologist.