Просмотр полной версии : Hello! My cycle makes 26 28 days. But in up to last menstruatsi...

08.05.2004, 20:02
Hello! My cycle makes 26 28 days. But in up to last menses he has made 30 days. Last menses was from August, 6 till August, 9th. The sexual certificate or act was 14 and with 16 for August, 17th. What probability of pregnancy? On August, 18th the test has shown negative result, through how much days after a floor. The certificate or act he will be authentic? And here still, it became suddenly sharp on August, 18th to me painfully to be wetted, rez in mochespuskatelnom the channel, frequent desires to mochespuskaniju. Though the pain in day has passed or has taken place, but in a toilet I - former run very much often. What with me?

Maljarskaja M.M.
09.05.2004, 23:25
The probability is. The chemist's test dostovrenym becomes closer to a delay. Now it is possible to hand over a blood on betaa-HG.