Просмотр полной версии : Zdrastvujte the Doctor! At my girl today have found dizbakterioz, as figures...

09.05.2004, 10:26
Zdrastvujte the Doctor! At my girl today have found dizbakterioz as the word a colpitis appears, what is it such neither I nor she we do not know! The gynecologist of the intelligible answer has not given! On how much it is serious, from what could occur or happen and how for it or this to be treated? On you one hope! In advance I thank!

Maljarskaja M.M.
09.05.2004, 13:25
The colpitis is an inflammation of a vagina, he is caused or causes razlichinymi by originators. At a colpitis it is necessary to take a smear, if necessary - crop for revealing originators, sensitivities to them of antibiotics and treatments. The dysbacteriosis is a disturbance of a parity or ratio of "good" and "bad" bacteria in a vagina, it not an infection, t. e. It or him do not catch. If from a colpitis it is necessary to be treated to both partners, for a dysbacteriosis - only to the woman. The concrete medical scheme or plan vse-conceal the attending physician after inspection should give