Просмотр полной версии : Hello. For research of my natural hormonal background mine...

Karen Kasumi
08.05.2004, 18:58
For research of my natural hormonal background my gynecologist has told or said to stop for a month to accept contraceptive tablets. I without interruption drink 1, 5 years " Tri-mersi ", I have drunk up a cycle, as advised the doctor preestala to drink tablets. Have terminated monthly, and in 2 days again the bleeding and does not pass or take place. I do not know that to me to do or make - to go to the doctor, suddenly something serious or this any hormonal phenomenon. I very much worry. Reception at my doctor paid, on trifles to disturb it would not be desirable... In advance thanks.

Soboleva L.I.
09.05.2004, 07:02
Hello! Disturbances of a cycle after a cancelling of contraceptives are quite possible or probable. If it is a question about krovjanistyh vydelenijah do not worry. Start to accept vitamins, iron preparations. If this bleeding proceeding more of 7 days - it is necessary to address to the doctor.