Просмотр полной версии : Hello! Girls who knows such OK as Microgynon 30. To me it or him propis...

06.05.2004, 16:40
Hello! Girls who knows such OK as Microgynon 30. To me it or he was registered by the gynecologist, but here has accepted already 3 tablebki, and side effects are awful, I think that from it or this priparata because early never such problems was. I accept a tablet and approximately in 10 hours awful gastric pains and a nausea which pass or take place in some hours begin. Yesterday has accepted a tablet little bit later, and in 10 hours again too most. Kto-somebody accepted such OK? Zarannee thanks.

It is lovely
07.05.2004, 15:50
The preparation already become outdated or already out-of-date, now exists set OK of hormones contained the minimal dose that reduces probability of complications (novinet, mersilon, logest)

09.05.2004, 04:46
It is lovely, thanks for consultation. I about such preparation heard the first time and in ochetednoj time I come to a status of a shock. We live to Belgium and any more or not so first time I collide or face with such attitude or relation of doctors.