Просмотр полной версии : Hello, the Doctor. I very much hope for your help. History of my illness or disease...

02.05.2004, 23:21
Hello, the Doctor. I very much hope for your help. The history of my illness or disease is those, that for 7 years, I have gradually turned from very lovely pleasant and very sex girl to the woman with the grey grown thin face which former friends hardly learn or find out. I have grown thin almost for 11 kg., began to get tired often, appetite was gone, have appeared postojann. ENT infections, an allergy on all kinds of a dust, the face have spoiled warts and t. The item, already some years are disturbed with ulcer LDPK, now also the reflux has welcome an esophagitis, the site a board has grown.., now its or his sizes ok. 2 see On JAMRV-augmentation of a pituitary body, the neurosurgeon has noticed 2 small cysts, in the evenings some years keeps temperaura 37, sometimes a cold fit I feel also in the afternoon. While went on doctors has lost year 3 it was necessary to meet often very much with neproffessionalizmom, roughness and dislike for the trade. Whether it was much easier in many respects or to much to ask a question instead of the hypochondriac you? But thanks God the world not without kind people. And here in the summer 2003. Which that has cleared up, when I have passed or have taken place course of treatment from vyevlennogo ureoplazmoza, on a background is lowered. Immunity. Imm. The status is those (tlimf. obshch.-41 (1, 253); thelp.-23 (0, 759); tsupr.-10 (0, 614); vlimf.-29 (0.957); G/L-1, 6; G/L M-2, 5; G/G-11, 8; TSIK-126; Lejkotsity-8, 3). After treatment by antibiotics lorinfekts., I have asked to find other way of treatment ureoplazmoza without antibiotics, me of preboxes. vlivan. gepona + laserotherapy + immunostimuljator (inek. polioksidonija from the immunologist). And more two in the summer were defined or determined redk. inf. 2 1 : 900 and TSMV 1 : 400. Treatment has not brought results not in occasion of ureaplasmas., not in occasion of lorinfekts, all is sowed and opredel. Again and again. On two by another rare or infrequent any treatment it has not been appointed or nominated. During these years I certainly podsozn. Understood that all that occurs or happens, reminds action of that that destructive and hidden or latent, in any way it was not possible to me zaberemennet. Now knowing all the reasons I had a huge desire to struggle and give birth to the child, now to me 31 But with what to begin I do not know. Can be and already not have to me now children never, and to rescue or save;salvage the health. To me suggest to operate a board. To iron or gland, I not against, but always disturbed me an original cause and a way of its or her elimination more. I heard about a hyperthermia, laserotherapy, etc., what is pertinent in we wash a case? As well as where it do or make? That new the science and national medicine offers. I shall be very grateful for the answer.

Rabaev S.G.
05.05.2004, 16:46
Before to start treatment of a thyroid gland it is necessary to diagnose. For what it is necessary to hand over hormones (TTG, 3 and 4 free) antibodies to a thyreoglobulin and mikrosomalnoj fractions To spend a diagnostic puncture of the site.

08.05.2004, 00:25
My hormones: TTG-0, 5; 4-62, 2; proloktin-538; Testosteron-3, 8. A puncture: elements of an inflammation of a proliferation of a cubic epithelium.

08.05.2004, 20:00
Hello, Olga! To despair it is not necessary. Where do you live? I think, there is a sense to you to address to those people who will help or assist to find the reasons of troubles which have fallen down you. When there is a reason and the person realizes all, illnesses or diseases, as a rule recede, and doctors only help or assist with this situation. Write to me zenar@pochta. ru. I wish good luck