Просмотр полной версии : On March, 6th cauterization of erosion (current) has been made. On survey on March, 30th the doctor with...

06.05.2004, 03:42
On March, 6th cauterization of erosion (current) has been made.
On survey on March, 30th the doctor has told or said, that the adhesion goes very badly, any infection (there is an inflammatory process) has joined still.
Tell or Say, please, how long - in norm or rate - the adhesion of erosions, whether probably repeated cauterization proceeds. And today have still begun allocation (as monthly). In advance I thank you.

Pasenjuk A.M.
07.05.2004, 02:41
In norm or rate the cuticularization of erosion comes to an end for two months, at connection of an infection treatment is required. In some cases probably repeated cauterization.

08.05.2004, 18:14
Thanks you for the answer. It even in continuation to my question. Through what time it is possible to renew a sexual life? ALREADY there are no MORE FORCES TO SUFFER or BEAR)))) PLIIIZ