Просмотр полной версии : After laparaskopii has passed or has taken place exactly year, after treatment diferelinom the first mesjach...

07.05.2004, 12:52
After laparaskopii has passed or has taken place exactly year, after treatment diferelinom the first monthly send or have come in the extremity or end of May. Did or made insemenatsii with the raised or increased antiserum capacity (207 at norm or rate up to 60) 3 cycles. Then after definition and treatment from opistorhov (in September) insemenatsii 3 more cycles with the control of an ovulation over US were done or made. All last three months so it turned out, I caught a cold or chilled and was on the sick-list with ORVI. While pregnancy has not come or stepped. Please clear:
1. The result insemenatsii from ORVI How much or As far as depends?
2. On laparaskopii (in December 2002) prizhgli obshchirnyj an endometriosis a resection of ovaries, pipes in the full order also have made. Then 3 months diferelin. Whether there is at me still a probability to conceive and on how much cycles it is possible raschityvat - spoke, what it is necessary to keep within 1 year (after operation or after arrival of the first monthly)?
3. If to plan EKO, whether it will be necessary to do or make that again lapru to clean or remove an endometriosis?
What it is possible for me to advise?
In advance I thank!

Kamenetskij B.A.
08.05.2004, 13:50
Tatyana! If the ovulation came, ORVI in this case hardly was the reason of absence of result. Really, as to you also recommended, on offensive or approach of pregnancy it is possible raschityvat in the first year after restoration of a menstrual cycle; at absence of results - it is necessary to plan EKO. Before planned procedure EKO there is no necessity for carrying out of a repeated laparoscopy. Yours faithfully,
To. M. n. B.Kamenetsky
For consultation i/or carrying out of procedure EKO/IKSI you can
Preliminary to enter the name to me on reception on bodies: (812 325 92 72; 312 30 65
/ Rossijsko-the Finnish Center AVA-PETER Sankt-Petersburg./