Просмотр полной версии : Hello. Tell or Say please as influences an opportunity detorozhdenija in...

06.05.2004, 05:42
Tell or Say please how 1 group of a blood (a rhesus - negative influences an opportunity detorozhdenija in case of if at the woman), and at the man 3 I (a rhesus - positive)? Also what to do or make if there is any complexity in course beremennostiv this case.

Pasenjuk A.M.
07.05.2004, 13:38
Actually on ability to have children the group of a blood and a rhesus the factor have no influence. But at a rhesus of negative women moreover with the first group of a blood there can be problems with vynashivaniem because if the child inherits your group of a blood there can be a rhesus and the group conflict - the organism of the woman develops or produces antibodies to erythrocytes of a fetus and destroys or blasts them (the fetus as a result does not have erythrocytes which transfer or carry oxygen to organs and tissues). Therefore during pregnancy the woman on a regular basis hands over the analysis on antibodies, at increase of their quantity or amount solves a question on treatment - plazmafereze for decrease of quantity or amount of the antibodies, special treatment of a fetus and an opportunity to prolong pregnancy.

08.05.2004, 09:21
And what probability of inheritance by the child of group of a blood of the father and complications in this case (or 50/50)?