Просмотр полной версии : Hello! At me have shown analyses a hepatitis In and a ureaplasma. THAT in this si...

Natasha, 25 years
07.05.2004, 09:46
Hello! At me have shown analyses a hepatitis In and a ureaplasma. THAT in this situation to do or make and as it can affect or influence the child. I feel very well. There is no toxicosis. If not analyses, it would seem to me, that is best passes or takes place pregnancy. Thanks.

Pasenjuk A.M.
08.05.2004, 08:56
It is obligatory to treat a ureaplasma after 20 weeks.
In occasion of a hepatitis - to specify, the acute stage of illness or disease or not, to consult in 1 infectious diseases hospital (there there is a special unit, very good), to spend treatment - gepatoprotektory, the preparations improving a circulation at a fetus and tp.