Просмотр полной версии : Hello! Tell or Say please. Whether it is possible to make love during ber...

07.05.2004, 03:14
Tell or Say please. Whether it is possible to make love during pregnancy (3 4 weeks)?

07.05.2004, 17:03
It is not desirable. It is possible even skazpt very much it is not desirable, t. To it can sprovatsirovat an abortion. It also has occured or happened to me, I then 2 weeks laid on conservation. Sexual attitudes or relations can be renewed with 3 go month and again to abstain since 7 go month, t. To it can cause or call premature birth or births.

07.05.2004, 22:13
It is possible. If well itself feel also the main thing it would be desirable. And differently what for?