Просмотр полной версии : Prompt, at me to the child 1, 3 years, and she still asks my milk....

06.05.2004, 13:00
Prompt, at me to the child 1, 3 years, and she still asks my milk. To me soon to come to work, and the child only and falls asleep during a suction of a breast (both in the afternoon, and at night). How to me to stop addition of milk (heard about tablets - whether they are harmless?) and how to disaccustom the child to a breast in general? And in general, I simply wish to grow thin. Whether the truth, what if to cease to nurse about one year to a daughter, still it is possible to grow thin, and if after a year, it is already impossible? Thanks all who will respond.

Malanova T.B.
07.05.2004, 21:31
There is an ancient way - greasing of a papilla something bitter (for example, mustard), the child himself spits out papilla. As milk at you already a little, do not decant a breast, milk will leave.