Просмотр полной версии : Hello! To me 23 years, at me are enough for a long time erosion shejki a uterus (kog...

06.05.2004, 14:06
To me 23 years, at me are enough for a long time erosion shejki a uterus (when for the first time has addressed to the gynecologist in 17 years, she already was). In 20 years in me have found out a clamidiosis and a mycoplasmosis then they have been cured (antibiotics, immunostimuljatory; it was repeatedly surveyed twice - more these viruses have not been found out). Did not give birth or travail, abortions were not, protivozachatnochnye a tablet I do not drink. Erosion tried to cauterize solkovaginom about 4 years ago, but
okonchatlenogo it has not given treatment. From " female problems " for today only the extremely morbid monthly in 1 2 day. Any rashes on naruzhnih genitals never was. Today in me have found out a virus of a papilloma of the person (16, 18) (up to this such analysis I did not pass or take place). A colposcopy and reception at the doctor at me only in 2 weeks. Till this time would like to learn or find out: the probability of a cancer shejki uteruses in the case described by me is how much great?

Malanova T.B.
07.05.2004, 15:17
Now about any cancer speech does not go. However so long existence of a pathology shejki owed you and doctor to puzzle why treatment does not help or assist. It is necessary to do or make not only the expanded colposcopy, but also onkotsitologiju, and, probably, a biopsy shejki uteruses then to spend treatment - antiviral and cauterization shejki.