Просмотр полной версии : At me has occured or happened vykidysh on term 2, 5 months. The doctor has appointed or nominated Vilprafen...

06.05.2004, 02:13
At me has occured or happened vykidysh on term 2, 5 months. The doctor has appointed or nominated Vilprafen. In an hour after reception the blood starts to go. Not much and not longly - but it excites me. As I wish to ask what inspections to me it is necessary to pass or take place in occasion of an abortion. Before pregnancy has passed or has taken place all analyses - that's all right. At me with the husband negative rezus-the factor, whether moglo-including it, to affect or influence a sad outcome of mine pregnancy.

Malanova T.B.
07.05.2004, 13:57
Why after reception vilprafena krovjanistye allocation - I do not know. And inspection on nevynashivaniju should be passed or taken place necessarily in a cabinet or study nevynashivanija. Inspection big enough. If both of you rezus-negative, hardly it caused an abortion.