Просмотр полной версии : Hello, Tatyana Borisovna! Prompt please as to me to act or arrive...

04.05.2004, 18:00
Hello, Tatyana Borisovna! Prompt please as to me to act or arrive. Half a year back we with the husband passed or took place treatment for a mycoplasma and gardnerely. The first course has not helped or assisted, and only from the second have recovered. The last month I have become pregnant, but to my surprise at me have again begun allocation, not such as at an infection, but is. This my first pregnancy, therefore I neznaju how to act and what to do or make. Girlfriends speak, that to the doctor while to go it is not necessary to break or disturb. And if at me the infection how to be? How she can be reflected in the child? I am afraid! As a whole I feel normally, sometimes the nausea finds "waves", and then passes or takes place. Speak so should be. By my calculations at me term of 5 weeks. To the doctor to go I do not want, for the first time treatment was appointed or nominated by her as it was found out not from that treated... What to me to do or make? In advance I THANK.

Malanova T.B.
07.05.2004, 10:12
1. It is necessary to be registered already. 2. In consultation can be registered under the application or statement to any doctor, 3. It is necessary to hand over smears.