Просмотр полной версии : Zdrastvujte! Tell or say please as it can be reflected on health of the future r...

06.05.2004, 23:31
Zdrastvujte! Tell or say please as the constant use of marihuana (man) can be reflected on health of the future child? My husband is deeply assured or confident, what is it (smoking) will not affect or influence in any way a fetus!!!! How to me it or him to overpersuade? So it would be desirable the healthy kid! For what time before conception it is necessary to stop the use? Thanks for the answer!

Kuznetsova E.A.
07.05.2004, 07:51
Sex cells of men are updated in 6 months. It is desirable to accept preparations of Acidum folicum during this period (it is the vitamin participating in synthesis of DNA). But consider, that the fetus is influenced also also with other factors. For an estimation of risk address for "internal" consultation.