Просмотр полной версии : Prompt, how it is possible to reduce a high pressure last months? The doctor of the rivers...

03.05.2004, 10:58
Prompt, how it is possible to reduce a high pressure last months? The doctor recommends to lay down in hospital, but I am afraid, that will prick any chemistry and will damage or injure;hurt to the child.

07.05.2004, 02:32
Smotrya kakoe davlenie u vas. I chto govorit vrach o lechenii? Povyshennym schitaetsya davlenie vyshe 140/90. Pri vysokom davlenii podvergautsya bolshoi nagruzke sosudy, v tom chisle i platsenta. Obychno beremennym predlagaut lech na sohranenie, gde budet postelnyi rezhim i budut otslezhivat davlenie i razvitie ploda. O lechenii ne znau.