Просмотр полной версии : Moemy rebenky 5 let, ego rost 96 sm., chto gorazdo nizhe normi. Est li ka...

04.05.2004, 12:04
Moemy rebenky 5 let, ego rost 96 sm., chto gorazdo nizhe normi. Est li kakie-nibud preparati (krome gormona rosta) kotorie pomogut uvelichit rost rebenka? Ya znau, chto na rost vliyaut mnogie factori, no v nashem sluchae - eto nasledstvennost - rost materi - 148 cm, rost otza - 156cm. Ya slishala pro kakie-to minerali, no ne yverena v kakih sluchayah ix prinimaut.

Nekrasova N.J.
05.05.2004, 14:24
Unfortunately, genetics in treatment by disease are not engaged. Try to ask a question to the endocrinologist.

07.05.2004, 01:02
There are the preparations stimulating body height if you mean it. But they cannot be appointed or nominated without consultation of doctors, inspection.
I do not know, who to you has told or said, that in five years body height 96 abnormal, the child can give spurt at teenage age (as it usually and happens)