Просмотр полной версии : Today on reception the doctor after a smear had a small bleeding (up to these p...

04.05.2004, 16:01
Today on reception the doctor after a smear had a small bleeding (till now was not for all time). The doctor threat (instead of from zhelezok these or it as I consider or count) has told or said type it at you, and has written out djufaston (Progesteronum) and Indomethacinum. The analysis of a blood has not come yet. Term of 11 weeks. Whether can write out a hormone on the basis of such indication and without the analysis of a blood? And Indomethacinum is counter-indicative at pregnancy, she has told or said, but nevertheless has told or said put. I while did or made nothing. The stomach or belly sips.

The anonym
06.05.2004, 14:01
I too after the first survey had a small bleeding. But the doctor to me at once has told or said, that if it will be not 2-3 days, no trouble. It is possible or probable after survey. The main thing these days to refrain from sex. I accepted nothing also all have passed or have taken place next day. If pulls a bottom of a stomach or belly strongly, better postavte for the night a candle of a papaverine. Indomethacinum I do not recommend, he is really counter-indicative. I at pregnancy had to refuse ointment, I applied it or him at an osteochondrosis. And to you candles have appointed or nominated. Idiocy and only.

06.05.2004, 22:19
Thanks! I about a papaverine have asked it or her. She has made the face " you here the cleverest? " Also has kept silent. More shortly I the doctor only has frightened me up to a hysterics... Today hurts less, and still I a bandage of a plot though and early, but the stomach or belly but hurts am much less. Success!