Просмотр полной версии : Kind day!:) at me to you 2 questions if it is possible. 1. Each time during...

06.05.2004, 14:27
Kind day!:) at me to you 2 questions if it is possible. 1. Each time during an intim I slightly "rvalvs" outside. Now 29 ned. Pregnancy, the child very large (a head 85 h 102). I very much am afraid of greater or big breaks during sorts or labors. Can, I can kak-nibud facilitate a situation? 2. On a thorax and arms or hand has appeared much polopavshihsja vessels. Why it? In advance thanks

Pasenjuk A.M.
06.05.2004, 20:55
1. Unfortunately, the good obstetrix or obstetrics can facilitate a situation only. Or cesarean section.
2. It is necessary to check up function of a liver.