Просмотр полной версии : Uv. Doctors, whether it is possible to apply Viferon-2 during stimulation ov. In programs...

06.05.2004, 11:17
Uv. Doctors, whether it is possible to apply Viferon-2 during stimulation ov. In program EKO/IKSI for prophylaxis VPG? If yes, in what dosage. Has been appointed or nominated and was applied simultaneously with Dexamethazonum (1, 5 t. In day). Tomorrow podsadka. Has read through, that immunity for prizhivaemosti should be lowered. Whether there are chances?

Kamenetskij B.A.
06.05.2004, 20:19
At carrying out of stimulation application Viferona is not counter-indicative. profilakticheski it is usually appointed or nominated 150 ME, however purpose or appointment should be coordinated or agreeed;compounded with treating vrachem.