Просмотр полной версии : The greater or big request to clear my situation. Pregnancy of 23 24 weeks. In 16 not...

03.05.2004, 23:58
The greater or big request to clear my situation. Pregnancy of 23 24 weeks. In 16 weeks have found out a marker of chromosomal anomaly (in vascular plexuses of lateral ventricles of a brain anehogennye includings or incorporations in diameter up to 4 mm, in waters anehogennaja a suspension), in 18 weeks I have altered US have found a cyst only on the right, but diameter was up to 5 mm. Has treated an infection (mycoplasmosis), have made diagnostic amniotsentez on 20 week of water were light. Now again put in a hospital on treatment iz-for increases in weight. But the doctor at reception in a hospital, has thrown vskolz, that here a pier still result it is necessary to wait to solve what to do or make with pregnancy further. I would like to know what probability of presence of anomaly, if the test on AFP and HGCH in norm or rate. Hereditary diseases at us with the husband are not present. Please, prokomentirujte the given situation. And that to wait for results even the whole 2 weeks. It is possible to descend or go from mind or wit. In advance thanks.

The anonym
05.05.2004, 13:24
menshe chem 2 % - veroiatnost. Voobshe schitaetsia, chto nalichie kist chorioid plexus ne iavliaetsia pokazaniem k amniocentezu - eto nikakoi ne marker, uzhe otkazalis ot etogo. Vsves v vodah ne govorit ni o chem. Markery u vas normalnye - uspokoites

06.05.2004, 15:48
da, a ezhe - klast v bolnicu iz-za pribavki v vese v sroke 23 nedeli prosto glupoe razbasarivanie sredstv - chto s vami delaiut v bolnice?????