Просмотр полной версии : Hello, the doctor! In me have found out a clamidiosis and a ureaplasmosis. I to the ...

04.05.2004, 22:06
Hello, the doctor!
In me have found out a clamidiosis and a ureaplasmosis. I to the young man did not change, in itself too is assured. If infection has occured or happened household by, whether I can be treated, not having put it or him in izvestneost provided that we with it or him were always protected by a condom?
Whether it is necessary provrjatsja to my parents if we erase linen in one washing machine?
How to disinfect linen?
And the last, me have registered: zanotsin, oksigrissant and suppositories neo-penotran and viferon all for 10 days. Have told or said, what is it the first stage. What will be then, whether it will be necessary to do or make provocation upon termination of treatment?
In advance I thank.

Gorodetskaja M.D.
06.05.2004, 13:46
Infection household by is a myth! It is not necessary anything obezorazhivat! If you each other not the first sexual partners infection could occur or happen earlier. Necessarily perezdajte analyses in other place and if they will be again positive, survey the partner. To be treated it is necessary together!