Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor. I heard advertising a preparation PUSH UP. There speak as...

05.05.2004, 19:38
The dear doctor. I heard advertising a preparation
PUSH UP. There speak as prophylaxis of a mastopathy. Also increase or enlarge a breast. But I am afraid
They are how much safe from the point of view of the oncologist?

Savchenko A.A.
06.05.2004, 03:37
I am not familiar with such preparation. The name is obvious komercheskoe. If you do not have mastopathy that and nelomajte above that that there can kogda-to be or be that. Live easy. Will be perizhivat - more quickly something will appear. And whether it is necessary to increase or enlarge your breast? Can your liked only about such and dreams. More shortly I would not recommend you to accept similar medicines. At the best it is expenditure of money.

Rabaev G.G.
06.05.2004, 09:36
Under the given name some preparations are on sale. All of them can be divided or undressed on two groups: the first are rather safe and absolutely useless, as do not contain declared by sellers vegetative estragenov; the Second really contain rasttelnye estrogens, really increase or enlarge a breast and consequently are extremely dangerous concerning the CANCER of a mammary gland and endometrija.