Просмотр полной версии : I wish to ask advice or council... To me 25, to the husband 30 there is a stable earnings, is...

01.05.2004, 03:41
I wish to ask advice or council...
To me 25, to the husband 30 there is a stable earnings, there is 1 room apartment, there is a desire to get or start the child, but the husband it postpones all time, it is not enough money, living conditions modest, we could not be helped or assisted, and to sit with the kid except for friends there is nobody, parents live in its or his other city, and I work. There came on a visit its or his friend with a daughter, 7 meschnoj malyshkoj and this question became simply sick, I very much want the kid. Can zaberemenit and put it or him before the fact, naturally preliminary hand over all analyses? I do not wish to deceive, but he at me pitjulkin, considers or counts, that all should go under the plan...
Prompt how to act or arrive

The anonym
01.05.2004, 09:45
Try to address with the problem in conference the psychologist or female psychology

02.05.2004, 11:39
I almost and have made with the first child. It was a shock for my husband from which he has not recovered and when daughters was one and a half year we have divorced. But I do not regret that has given birth. Now I again married also am pregnant the second kid. My new husband very much likes my daughter, she our general or common pride. And I know, that if with me something to happen, he will not leave it or her. So it is impossible to predict or forecast as on all your husband will react, but in any case I think, that if you want the child operate or work. The man in a life can be and not one, but the child always will be with you. I consider or count, that deti-it is sense of our life.

06.05.2004, 09:08
Horror what - do not go on a cemetery, Lgunishka!
Can be vse-taki drip to the husband on brains the female subjects (refer to any doctor - that it is necessary to give birth or travail more likely yes se..., that be afraid zapazdat with it or this is too happens), well, cry eventually, not once, but also not often!
At me and it has turned out - we postponed 10 years, then were going to, month 4 it tried, has turned out! And I hardly was any more was frightened, that a pier dookldadyvali...
Success and lgat to the husband it is necessary to you is better - look or see, as happens and divorce can reach (by the way widespread case).