Просмотр полной версии : How it is better to treat peaked or acuminate kandilomy? Than their burning out is dangerous? Thanks....

04.05.2004, 09:33
How it is better to treat peaked or acuminate kandilomy? Than their burning out is dangerous? Thanks.

05.05.2004, 18:21
It depends on the sizes, localization, quantity or amount and density of elements. The fine sizes - can be applied kondilin, greater or big - kondilin already after cauterization (nitrogen), etc. do not forget about an immunotherapy, t. To. The reason - papillomovirus.

Pasenjuk A.M.
06.05.2004, 07:51
The burning out (the laser or chemically) is not dangerously perfect or absolute, but it is necessary to remember that antiviral treatment in addition is required, and necessarily cytologic smear (sm archive of the Infection - VPCH)