Просмотр полной версии : Hello. To me 36 years of children are not present, recently zdala analyses on hormones (on 3...

02.05.2004, 10:46
Hello. To me 36 years of children are not present, recently zdala analyses on hormones (on 3 j day of a cycle): Prolactinum - 1544, 0; LG-3, 3; FSG-6, 2; Testesteron - 1, 7; the Hydrocortisone - 178; Oestradiolum - 32. With monthly greater or big problems: breaks between them from 14 days up to 61 days; seldom when the cycle is a little normalized up to 32 (between). Inspections find nothing all, all US and t. Item all in norm or rate. Last research is hormones. Low fiber (though meat I eat on a regular basis), gipotonik, pulse from 48 up to 54. Advise what analyses to hand over, or let be as will be. And than high Prolactinum to remove or take off and whether it is necessary. Monthly from 14 years normal, last time in 1 j put a pain such, that it would be desirable to die simply. Any analgesic do not help or assist.

Malanova T.B.
06.05.2004, 05:36
At you giperprolaktinemija which gives such disturbances of a cycle. You should exclude a microadenoma of a pituitary body (a tomography kompjutornaja).