Просмотр полной версии : Hello! Prompt, please, to what maternity homes to pay attention (p...

01.05.2004, 18:07
Hello! Prompt, please, to what maternity homes to pay attention (I live in JUAO)? It would be desirable to learn or find out more in detail opinions of those who was in 10 m. how much paid labors differ from free-of-charge? Pathologies of pregnancy are not present, to pay for the sake of an opportunity of presence of the husband on sorts or labors it would not be desirable. In advance I thank for the answer!

03.05.2004, 21:52
Irina, hello. I now too in searches of a maternity home. Reading responses about maternity homes, has come to conclusion that opinions uniform are not present. Who as writes... Ask the friends or relatives, who can that will advise. (it is better if not only a maternity home, but also the doctor). And about paid sorts or labors, I have come to conclusion that you laying down in paid unit pay more for comfortable pribyvanie before and after. (a little that gets to the doctor.) Komuto it is important, but personally to me, for example, it is more important labors... That have not thrown during fights and did not shout good matom... Therefore it is better to agree with the doctor personally... prichom in advance accordingly. And in general I while have stopped on 17 and 7. Success to you.

05.05.2004, 09:24
Hello girls. On the bill of paid sorts or labors you pay for that that them prinemajut doctors of the maximum or supreme category. (it in Tolyatti) But, for example you have started to give birth or travail unexpectedly a week earlier, on target, at night and your labors will be accepted by those doctors which are on duty, so was with me. And the most important you during this moment hardly ask the doctor the document which confirms its or his category. On the bill of paid chambers after sorts or labors I shall tell or say that there is nothing to do or make there. It only at first sight seems that you there will have a rest on the contrary we laid a heap and if noticed that that shared with other mummies compared. And that children shout so it is fairy tales I woke up only from crying the child and others also likely tired were after sorts or labors.
And my girlfriend laid in paid chamber and has got exhausted in fact to relatives it is possible to be only up to 20.00 and all the night long melancholy and in the afternoon too. Earlier paid chambers took that the child always svami was and now he and so with mum to be so I I do not see sense in this expenditure of money. This my opinion and my girlfriends. I wish good luck
P. S. At school for pregnant women we were spoken by workers of a maternity home that we especially were not torn to paid labors and in paid chambers!

05.05.2004, 20:32
www. detki-predki. ru (to clean or remove blanks) - very objective site about maternity homes