Просмотр полной версии : Hello doc! You could not consult on several questions...

04.05.2004, 13:54
Hello doc!
You could not consult on several questions?
1. At me 7 I week of pregnancy. All proceeds not bad, not including
Toxicosis, but also it is norm or rate.
Several days ago has noticed white allocation. Whether what is it? Should so to be?
2. From the right party or side, a bottom of a stomach or belly. To evening of a pricking. Whether there can be it
The result, transferred or carried three years ago, tsisty (inflammation)?
3. As well as should be, my breast has increased. Up to what term she will be rosti?
Whether it is necessary to do or make any exercises or to use any
Creams for conservation of the form and the sizes of a breast after sorts or labors?
Thankful in advance.

Pasenjuk A.M.
05.05.2004, 20:07
1. White vydeelnija can be - razviivaetsja uslovnopatiogennaja flora (1), the circulation and secretion (2) increases or is enlarged
2. No, it is not terrible - the uterus grows, can partially echoes of a cystitis
3. Yes, mammary glands increase or are enlarged, can grow up to the sorts or labors.
Necessarily gymnastics for beermennyh and a cream from extensions.