Просмотр полной версии : Hello! Very much for a long time disturb allocation. All time thought and treated m...

03.05.2004, 01:15
Very much for a long time disturb allocation. All time thought and treated a thrush, but only mestno. As though without results. In due course she came back. Recently a propyl of a tablet from a thrush, allocation have remained, but already a little other character and in smears leucocytes are raised or increased also the doctor has suggested to hand over smears on infektsii-ureoplazma, chlamydias, etc. Rezultat-to a chlamydia. My question consists here in what the matter is that I am not assured when there was an infection. To the child 2 years. The husband and I had no contacts to other partners during ours braka-last 3 years. I worry, and that if an infection old, up to pregnancy. With the child all ok. Develops fine, only at me during pregnancy have found torch, herpes 1 type, tsitomegolovirus, toksoplazmu. And the child has an augmentation trifling lateralnogo a ventricle of a brain. Its or his full inspection has shown, that the augmentation is simply assimetriej. Vopros-and this augmentation could be connected with a clamidiosis and whether it is necessary to treat now the child, to hand over analyses of a blood on a chlamydia?

Malanova T.B.
05.05.2004, 14:16
It is not necessary to touch or tamper with the child.