Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor, pregnancy of 30 weeks, and a stomach or belly such small, at us n...

03.05.2004, 07:32
The dear doctor, pregnancy of 30 weeks, and a stomach or belly such small, at us at job at the woman in 5 months and that is more, whether did or made US in 28 weeks all was normal moglo-something to change, whether nuzhno-now to do or make repeated US? shevelenija normal. Palpitation too, I during all pregnancy already did or made 5 times of US, all worried that the child does not grow. Whether well a stomach or belly under a jacket practically vidno-byvaet-such? It very much excites me.
Thanks for the answer.

04.05.2004, 21:26
Do not experience, at my girlfriend and in 9 months, practically on snosjah already, almost nothing was appreciable. She on job went up to the last. Many inattentive men did not guess at all, that she is pregnant. To a perfect daughter has given birth!

05.05.2004, 00:03
Maria do not worry. At me up to 6 months in general nothing was appreciable. And I experienced the same, and then it is literally for one week a stomach or belly as have grown, that a little and will not seem.