Просмотр полной версии : Ureopazmoz + VPCH The doctor has appointed or nominated a course of an immunotherapy + summamedi behind it or him at once...

03.05.2004, 03:52
Ureopazmoz + VPCH
The doctor has appointed or nominated a course of an immunotherapy + summamedi behind it or him at once klatsid. However at klatsida the dosage is not specified. Phone to the doctor I can not probably he in holiday.
1. What dosage at klatsida to buy
2. Whether whether it is necessary to drink klatsid at all search it with antibiotics. At me hr. kamkuleznyj a cholecystitis. And very much it would not would be desirable to eat superfluous antibiotics.

Maljarskaja M.M.
03.05.2004, 18:47
Klatsid - search, if together with sumamedom. CHTo-Something one. Sumamed it is better

04.05.2004, 20:32
klatsid not together with summamedom and right after it or him t. e on 6 j day