Просмотр полной версии : For treatment of a thrush the doctor has registered treatment by a medicine "TERZHINAN" a course 10...

04.05.2004, 03:05
For treatment of a thrush the doctor has registered treatment by a medicine "TERZHINAN" a course of 10 days, then a regenerative course, a medicine "ATSILAKT". Having treated 7 a medicine "TERZHINAN" has learned or has found out, that it is pregnant (presumably 5 ned., a delay 7 dej). Whether It is necessary to stop reception "TERZHINANA" and whether it is necessary to accept "ATSILAKT", whether there will be from it or this a harm?

04.05.2004, 05:18
Terzhinan it is possible to accept during pregnancy, and your thrush all the same should be treated, t. To. She is not safe. How much to you still it or him to accept? Atsilakt I would not accept, basically, after terzhinana the person neobhodimochti in regenerative treatment it is not required. But in any case consult with the doctor on the given question, he should make a decision in occasion of therapy on a background of your pregnancy. Success.

04.05.2004, 08:57
Ekaterina, many thanks to you for advice or council. Terzhinan it is necessary to accept 3 more tablets. Probably I shall pass or I shall take place course of treatment up to the extremity or end, and from atsilakta I shall refuse.